With Noah Saxenian, ideated and created a lighthouse themed nightlight with multiple functionalities
This video displays the nightlight in action. The nightlight can be turned on and off using the respective buttons on the UI. The UI also displays the most recent messages to the lighthouse, as well as the connection status to the MQTT broker. When tapped, the lighthouse frosted window will change colors. When the name poster is pressed, the lighthouse servo and light turn on until pressed again.
This video showcases the cross-sync functionality we attempted with a second group’s nightlight. When sync is enabled in on the user UI, tapping the lighthouse now not only changes the frosted window light, but also sends an MQTT command to the other group for interpretation. Similarly, when sync is turned on and the other group taps their nightlight, the LED within the lighthouse stops and blinks 5 times.
def __init__(self):
# on/off flag
self.on = True
self.button_toggle = False
self.collab = False
self.sync = False
# connect
# setup acccelerometer
scl = Pin('GPIO27', Pin.OUT)
sda = Pin('GPIO26', Pin.OUT)
self.accel = Acceleration(scl, sda)
# interrupt from accelerometer
self.int = Pin(10, Pin.IN)
self.int.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=self.on_tap)
self.button = Pin(9, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
self.button.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=self.button_press)
# setup LED
self.led = Pin(6, Pin.OUT)
# setup servo
self.servo = PWM(Pin(22))
# setup neopixel
self.neo = neopixel.NeoPixel(Pin(28),1)
self.neo[0] = (0,0,0)
# startup asyncio
This is the initializing of the nightlight class. Here, all the pins were called out, including setting up the I2C bus for the accelerometer. The class has a couple key features at the top which are self.on, self.button_toggle, self.collab, and self.sync. The first two are parameters are variables that are checked down the line to enable certain functionality, while the other two are used to check for cross-sync functionality with the other group’s nightlight.
def connect_wifi(self, index=2):
wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
wlan.connect("Tufts_Robot", "")
#wlan.connect(mysecrets[index]['SSID'], mysecrets[index]['key'])
while wlan.ifconfig()[0] == '':
print('.', end=' ')
print('wifi connected')
return wlan.ifconfig()
def start_mqtt(self):
# connect MQTT client and subscribe to topic
mqtt_broker = 'broker.hivemq.com'
port = 1883
topic_sub = 'ME35-24/Kaisnightlight'
def callback(topic, msg):
print('Received: Topic: %s, Message: %s' % (topic, msg))
# callback checks if topic and message are correct to turn on/off
if topic.decode() == topic_sub:
if msg.decode() == 'on':
self.on = True
if msg.decode() == 'off':
self.on = False
if msg.decode() == 'blink':
print("Read from collab")
self.collab = True
if self.on == True:
self.collab = False
if msg.decode() == 'sync on':
self.sync = True
if msg.decode() == 'sync off':
self.sync = False
self.client = MQTTClient('Noah', mqtt_broker , port, keepalive=0)
print('Connected to %s MQTT broker' % (mqtt_broker))
self.client.set_callback(callback) # set the callback if anything is read
self.client.subscribe(topic_sub.encode()) # subscribe to a bunch of topics
async def check_messages(self):
# constantly check for new MQTT messages
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)