Project Goals
- To get comfortable with the bluetooth library and structure of connection
- To develop a fun, interactive game with our peers
The Game
We were to create two player objects for this game, one human and one zombie. The rules of the game are as follows:
- Each team of two comes to class with a zombie and a human
- The zombie advertises over bluetooth their ID, a number between 1 and 13
- The zombie is constantly buzzing
- The human must always be seeking out the bluetooth signal
- If the human receives a consistent ping from a zombie for 3 consecutive seconds, that is one tag from that zombie
- Within those 3 seconds, the zombie cannot be too far out of range (that rssi range was determined the day of class)
- If the human receives 3 tags from the same zombie, it becomes a zombie that advertises the ID of the zombie that tagged them
- The human should be able to receive multiple pings simultaneously since multiple zombies can try to ping a human
- The human shouldn’t be able to be tagged by their own team’s zombie
- The team with the ID who has the most zombies at the end wins
Project Documentation

Kai’s Plants Vs. Zombie’s Peashooter (Human)

Rex’s Super Scary Zombie (Zombie)